SANDRA TIRRE                                                      

ANGELS in Need and on the Surface

Acrylic, Oil and Pencil on Linen
110 x 220 cm

I read about Art Brut (in Katy Hessels beautiful `the story of art without men´), about Artists who were all Autodidacts like Madge Gill, Aloise Corbaz or Schwester Gertrude Morgan and who were considered mentally ill or suffering from deep trauma. Gill believed her work to be under the influence of a spirit named Myrninerest, Corbaz was diagnozed with Shizophrenia, spent her whole life in a clinic and Morgan also felt gods force behind her.

I do love their work and i feel somehow very connected to it. Maybe it is the autodidactic approach and the feeling of there is a guidance.

Modern Monastery

Acrylic and Pencil on Linen
100 x 200 cm

This winter i got back to paint on raw linen (like in flag series 19`--> FLAG)
it is a paper work feeling
i felt like to paint more sketchi
also easier to work that way, cause my little daughter calls me out in the night shifts.

in Preperation

GIVING BIRTH in the beginning of 2022 was a profound and beautiful experience for me, that inspires me to various reflections on the theme, like

a show about it, a work about breastfeeding
and a series of pregnancy photographs, documentary style.

i keep you posted.

Sneak Peek

Foto Series 2023